Personal Project - Far Cry Editor

Free Bird

Created over the course of 3 weeks, this is a Far Cry level that showcases both linear and non-linear components. I wanted to explore FC5’s movement mechanics while giving players the “Rambo” fantasy as they navigate the dense jungles of Vietnam during the war.


During the Vietnam War, a captured US Pilot is left for dead in a body pile and must find a way to escape the treacherous jungle and defeat the North Vietnam Army forces.


  • Showcase the grappling hook and swing mechanics

  • Leverage verticality as much as possible to create a unique exploration experience

  • Script different elements in the level to create a unique experience using FC5’s scripting tools

  • Make the player feel like a true predator in the jungle

  • Practice POI design with a 360 approach


  • Far Cry 5 Arcade Editor

  • 3 weeks production time

  • Include at least two open area combat encounters with multiple approaches

  • Respect the Far Cry 360 approach to encounters

Reference Gathering


Gameplay Flow

Intensity / Pacing Graph

Top Down Map

Gameplay Beats

Beat #1
Finding your bearings

The first part of the level is aimed towards stealth and builds tension for the rest of the mission. I wanted the player to understand that the jungle is dangerous and unpredictable with the surprising panther jumping out of the jungle and attacking a NVA soldier.

Intensity : 1/10

Beat #2
Escape the panther

Once the panther jumps out of the jungle, the player can stealth their way towards a bow & arrow to either fight the panther or flee using the grappling hook overhead, introducing this movement mechanic that will be reused throughout the level.

Intensity : 3/10

Beat #3
Clear the NVA farmhouse

As the first open combat encounter of the level, the player is offered multiple paths throughout the layout. As soon as they reached the initial vantage point, I used lighting and composition techniques to highlight the different paths : the high ground using the zipline, the center building for combat and a more head-on option and finally the left side supplies for a stealthier approach, where they would find throwing knives.

Intensity : 6/10

Beat #4
Navigate the jungle ravines

To bring the intensity down following a combat encounter, I wanted to include a more exploration / navigation based beat. Here the player must use the grappling hook mechanic to navigate treacherous jungle ravines, clearing a small NVA camp along the way. This beat focuses on adding more verticality to the level.

Intensity : 3/10

Beat #5
Explore and loot the helicopter crash

After navigating the ravines the player encounters his crashed helicopter and can find U.S. Soldier remains and weapons in the wreckage, including a silenced submachine gun, enabling more stealth gameplay.

Intensity : 1/10

Beat #6
Navigate the dense jungle

I wanted to add a bump in intensity following a calmer gameplay beat and showcase the jungle’s unpredictability by making the player navigate a combat section that is covered in bushes and rocks. This creates a nice moment where the player knows there are enemies lurking in the brush but can’t necessarily see them, conveying the feeling of the Vietnam War.

Intensity : 4/10

Beat #7
Approach the Main NVA Camp

At the waterfall, there is multiple approaches to the Main NVA Camp. Mainly, I wanted to guide the player to jump down the waterfall and perform an underwater takedown on an enemy at the dock, really capturing that “Rambo” vibe. I also offered the player a second approach focussing more on sniping enemies that were exposed within the camp, but preventing them from being able to wipe out the entire enemy group with the sniper . This would tie with the third option which is to directly zipline down to the camp and commit to a full blown combat-focused explosive encounter.

Intensity : 2/10

Beat #8
Clear the Main NVA Camp & Escape

Once inside the camp, the player can approach the layout in multiple ways : use the grappling hook to reach high ground and drop around the back, charge into the middle artillery section to acquire explosives and a grenade launcher for a fiery encounter or stealth around enemy patrols on the riverside shacks. Once the player eliminates a few enemies in the camp, I scripted a Heavy NPC’s to appear to create a more challenging encounter and ramp up intensity right before the player finally escapes with the boat at the docks.

Intensity : 9/10

Level Design Techniques


Throughout the level I wanted to make sure to leverage visual composition techniques so that I can efficiently frame important level components to the player. This clearly communicates information to the player without having to resort to other less diegetic elements like UI.

Denial & Reward

Foreshadowing the end of the level, I used this technique to show the objective (boat) to the player without them being able to reach it. This allows the player to create a mental map of where they have to go, even though there are obstacles along the way. Once the player reaches the waterfall, they have a clear spatial understanding of the level and the path they traveled as well as where they have to go.

Guiding with diegetic lightmasses

I made sure that all along the player’s path light masses clearly indicate the golden path to the player. Within open layouts, I also wanted to highlight the different approach options to the player with glowing oil lamps lighting the surrounding areas. Using the “squinting technique”, this allows me to easily identify the important components of all my layouts.

Environmental Storytelling

Without access to dialogue, I wanted to tell a bit of a story through the environment. That is why I put dead captured US soldiers in the earlier NVA Camps as well as within the jungle. Towards the middle of the level, the player encounters their crashed helicopter and their dead, burned team mates, which creates a moment that changes the pace of the level while telling a bit of a story.


Using shapes as well as props such as tarps and ropes, I aimed to clearly communicate to the player where it is safe to jump from heights and the general areas from which they can perform aerial takedowns.



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